
About the project

It is a fact that heart surgery patients have considerable difficulties remembering after cardiac surgery, and heart patients were admitted to hospital with blood clot in the heart or with other heart ailments often have mental anxieties in the form of fear of dying. The heart patients therefore have trouble remembering, reading, learning and understanding information about their rehabilitation. We therefore hypothesized that a digital interactive animation tool that can combine audio, text, animated images and the potential for interactivity between the patient and the application can help heart patients and family members surmount learning barriers, anxiety, insecurity and give the patients and family caregivers the opportunity to receive and have repeated the information in a new way.

The goal of  “MyHeart: An Interactive Animation Tool for Cardiac Patients” is to develop and test a digital tool that can help to motivate, engage and teach heart patients and family members about the importance of rehabilitation.


User-driven innovation

An interdisciplinary research team, heart patients, relatives, representatives of the media, IT-specialists, health staff, psychology counselors and researchers have participated in developing and testing the prototype. The prototype will soon be tested by a large group of heart patients.

The target group

Patients who have undergone heart surgery and who have been hospitalized with a heart attack.


Development of the prototype has been funded by the SharePlay Foundation. Funding is being sought for further development of the prototype.


  • Professor Birthe Dinesen. Email: bid(at)
  • Anders Skotlander, Mayday Film.