Great interest in wearable technologies at the eCardiology conference in Berlin

On 9-10 November, Future Patient was presented at the annual eCardiology conference in Berlin.

It was inspiring to hear some of the worlds experts discuss subjects within innovations in telemonitoring/telerehabilitation of heart failure patients.

Throughout the conference a great interest was shown in wearable technologies for the use of wearables for patient management.

Norway is interested in telerehabilitation

Wednesday, October 25 2017, the Laboratory for Welfare Technology had a visit from health professionals and IT consultants from Sunnaas Hospital in Norway. Sunnaas Hospital is Norway’s most recognized hospital in rehabilitation. The purpose of the visit was to gain inspiration for how telerehabilitation can be a future service in the Norwegian health care system.

Following the visit at AAU, the Norwegian delegation visited Skive Health House to hear about Future Patient – rehabilitation of heart failure patients.

How can the vet work with telerehabilitation? (in Danish)

Fredag den 6. oktober holdt Den Danske Dyrlægeforening generalforsamling på Vingstedcentret ved Vejle. Birthe Dinesen havde fornøjelsen af at give indlæg om telesundhed og telerehabilitering i sundhedsvæsenet som inspiration for dyrlægerne. Gennemgang af den videnskabelige litteratur inden for veterinærområdet viser, at brug af telemedicin stadigvæk er i sin vorden i Danmark og internationalt dog er der begyndt at blive udviklet aktivitets trackere til heste og hunde og videoløsninger er i brug. Det bliver spændende at følge området i årene fremover.

Guest professor for two months

We are delighted to have Dr. Marcin who is a Professor and Chief of the Division of Pediatric Critical Care at the UC Davis Children’s Hospital, Sacramento in California  as a guest professor for two months this summer. We are collaborating with Dr Marcin through the Transatlantic Telehealth Research Network (TTRN).

Dr. Marcin is currently the director of the Pediatric Telemedicine Program at the UC Davis Center for Health and Technology. In addition to being passionate about his clinical work in the Pediatric ICU, he conducts research in telemedicine and quality of care, particularly as it relates to acutely ill and injured children in rural and underserved Emergency Department. His team’s focus is to improve the care delivered to children throughout Northern California, and how telemedicine and other mobile technologies can be used to have UC Davis Pediatric Specialists virtually at the bedside of any child in need.

OUH Talk

Telemedicine in Pediatrics: Increasing quality and reducing costs (YouTube).