PhD defence September 6, 2024

PhD student Lili Worre is going to defend her thesis:

Evaluation of digital team-based communication between patients and health care professionals across settings.

Time: September 6 at 14.00-17.00t

Place: Medicinerhusets Auditorie, Aalborg Universitetshospital (Syd)

The defence is public and you are welcome.

TTRN PhD Course 2024: Research methods in digital health technology

TTRN PhD Course 2024:

Research methods in digital health technology

Venue: Odense University Hospital, Odense, Denmark

Dates: 2024, August 12-16

Course fee: DKK 3.800, € 510 or $ 550

Deadline, registration: 2024, Juni 10

Download flyer

Course objective

The aim of the PhD course is to give a comprehensive introduction to research methods used in the different phases of the innovation process for digital health technologies such as telehealth, home monitoring, mHealth, video consultation, artificial intelligence (AI), clinical robots, etc.

Thus, PhD students will during the course learn about relevant research methods and their strengths and weaknesses in the design, assessment and implementation of digital health technologies. During the course the students will examine the possibilities for using the methods in their own PhD project.

The course focus on interdisciplinary research methods, assessment of the societal value of technologies, patient involvement, organizational challenges and have an interdisciplinary faculty and students from medicine, nursing, health policy, engineering, etc.

The course is relevant for PhD-students with interest in research in design, assessment and implementation of digital health technologies, including telemedicine, home monitoring, AI and clinical robots. Senior researchers with interest in these areas are also welcome.

Odense University Hospital is leading in European research and practical use of digital health technologies. During all days, clinicians from the hospital will participate and present examples of the use of digital health technologies in the clinical practise. In addition, all days will involve group work and students will give a presentation at the last day of the course and present their use of the scientific disciplines described during the course in their own research project.

The course is organized in collaboration with TTRN – Transatlantic Telemedicine Research Network and involves researchers from Danish and US universities including UC Berkeley, UC Davis and Cleveland Clinic.

Keynote at the International conference on Integrated Care (ICI24) in Belfast

Join the International conference on Integrated Care (ICI24): “Taking the leap: making integrated care a reality for people and communities”.

Professor Birthe Dinesen has been invited to give a keynote on “Using digital health to make integrated care a reality in Denmark – what have we learned so far?” at the International conference on Integrated Care (ICI24) taking place April 22-24 in Belfast, Ireland.

The conference programme has just been launched – take a look and join us in Belfast for an interesting conference.

TTRN conference, Berkeley, Aug. 2023

The Transatlantic Telehealth Research Network (TTRN) is pleased to announce the conference:

An International Perspective on Building Capacity in Health Care through Technology

August 22-23, 2023, at University of California, Berkeley, California, USA

The final program is available here

TTRN Conference 2023 at UC Berkeley, USA


The aims of this international conference are to:

  • Present and share research on building health care capacity through technology
  • Identify and communicate lessons learned about using technology to build health care capacity in an international context
  • Identify knowledge gaps for research around using technology to build capacity in health care
  • Stimulate exchange of ideas across disciplines for the next steps of digital health and identify research collaboration
  • Give early career researchers within digital health the opportunity to present their work and expand their international network

Call for abstracts

We invite you to submit an abstract or poster to this international scientific conference as well as share this announcement within your networks. Follow this link to the Call for Abstracts and Posters.

The deadline for submissions was April 15, 2023.

About the conference

For more information about this conference, please visit the conference website.


Conference registration is open at this link.

Invitation: PhD Course 2023 at Cleveland Clinic

The Transatlantic Telehealth Research Network (TTRN) is hosting a PhD Summer course at Cleveland Clinic in Ohio USA in 2023:

Digital Healthcare and Data Science:
Moving Toward Innovative Healthcare Solutions

Date: May 22-23 2023

Price: 339 Dollars

Download flyerRead more and register for the PhD course here.

Course Aims

  1. To provide a comprehensive introduction to big data research methods used in digital healthcare technologies aimed at providing service and engagement value to end users
  2. To present innovative ways that digital solutions and technologies can incorporate big data and artificial intelligence to move health care forward. Students will examine possibilities by describing and discussing the methods they plan to use in their PhD dissertation project
  3. To increase the sphere of international influence of PhD students by enabling them to network with other PhD students and early, mid- and late-career academic and clinical scientists and clinicians

10 years anniversary of TTRN

10 years anniversary of the Transatlantic Telehealth Research Network (TTRN) was celebrated at the international conference: “Digital Health Beyond Covid-19: Lessons Learned” at Aalborg University in Copenhagen this week. We had the pleasure to have the American Ambassador Alan Leventhal from the US Embassy in Copenhagen visiting the conference and participate in the celebration of TTRN.

US Ambassador at TTRN 10year (CPH2022)

Many lessons learned, knowledge gaps identified and new research ideas developed. All will be collected in a white paper to come out in spring 2023.

Thank you so much to all presenters, technical staff, student helpers, the TTRN and the Novo Nordisk Foundation for supporting the conference.


What did we learn from the COVID-19 pandemic regarding the use of digital technology in healthcare?

Come and participate on August 29-30 at the international conference on “Digital Health Beyond Covid-19: Lessons Learned” at Aalborg University (AAU) in Copenhagen.

The final program is now complete and available here.

You can register for the conference here no later than August 8.

There will be more than 40 exciting presentations from over 10 different countries. The conference is organized by the Transatlantic Telehealth Research Network (TTRN), International Society of Telemedicine & eHealth and AAU. Thanks to the Novo Nordisk Foundation for supporting the conference.

We hope to see you at the conference.

TTRN-CPH2022 Banner

Visit from Japan

Today Laboratory for Welfare Technology – Digital Health & Rehabilitation, AAU and JD TeleTech had visitors: Anne-Marie Thoft, Invest in Denmark; Masaki Teraoka, the Royal Danish Embassy in Tokyo and Akihiro Sakurai, KMD (DNP), Yusuke Matsuura, DNP; Mika Yasuoka-Jensen, RUC; Mao Uchida Japannordic and team.

We discussed the new digitalization strategi in Denmark within digital health and research collaboration possibilities within digital health between Denmark and Japan.

So nice to be able to meet in persons again.

Phd Summer School Cleveland August 2022

Transatlantic Telemonitoring Research Network (TTRN) presents a PhD Summer Course:

Digital Healthcare and Data Science: Moving Toward Innovative Healthcare Solutions

Venue: Cleveland Clinic, Ohio, USA
Date: Aug. 11-12, 2022


  1. To provide a comprehensive introduction to “big data” research methods used in digital healthcare technologies aimed at providing “service” and “engagement” value to end users
  2. To present innovative ways that digital solutions and technologies can incorporate big data and artificial intelligence to move heath care structures, systems and processes forward. During the course, students will examine possibilities by describing and discussing the methods they plan to use in their PhD dissertation project
  3. To increase the sphere of international influence of PhD students by networking with other PhD students and early, mid and late career academic and clinical scientists and clinicians.

Program and Registration

For further information please follow this link and/or download flyer here.