The Use of Telerehabilitation Technologies for Cardiac Patients to Improve Rehabilitation Activities and Unify Organizations

Qualitative study by Dinesen & Spindler.


The case study of cooperation in an interorganizational context of cardiac telerehabilitation program is characterized by the following key themes and patterns: (1) integrated workflows via a shared digital rehabilitation plan that help integrate workflow between health care professions and organizations, (2) joint clinical practice showed as a community of practice in telerehabilitation developed across professions and organizations, and (3) unifying the organizations as cooperation has advanced via a joint telerehabilitation program across municipalities and hospitals.


The Teledialog Telerehabilitation Program was a new innovative cardiac program tested on a large scale across hospitals, health care centers, and municipalities. Assessments showed that the Teledialog program and its associated technologies helped improve interorganizational cooperation and reduce fragmentation. The program helped integrate the organizations and led to the creation of a community of practice. Further research is needed to explore long-term effects of implementation of telerehabilitation technologies and programs.

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Hjertepatienters erfaringer med en telerehabiliterings web-portal

Er du interesseret i at vide hvordan brugen af en online portal, der er udviklet som et værktøj til telerehabilitering af patienter med hjertelidelser, kan bruges til både patientuddannelse og forbedring af patienternes sundhedskompetencer?

Laboratoriet for Velfærdsteknologi har netop fået udgivet en artikel i journalen Patient Education and Counseling:
Cardiac patients’ experiences with a telerehabilitation web portal: Implications for eHealth literacy.

White Paper om Telehealth Innovation

Transatlantic Telehealth Research Network (TTRN) har netop publiceret et White Paper om “Telehealth Innovation: Current Directions and Future Opportunities” for samarbejde mellem forskere, sundhedsprofessionelle og industrien. Forskere ved Laboratoriet for Velfærdsteknologi ved AAU har haft en væsentlig rolle ved udarbejdelse af dokumentet.

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Personalized Telehealth in the Future: A Global Research Agenda

As telehealth plays an even greater role in global health care delivery, it will be increasingly important to develop a strong evidence base of successful, innovative telehealth solutions that can lead to scalable and sustainable telehealth programs. This paper has two aims: (1) to describe the challenges of promoting telehealth implementation to advance adoption and (2) to present a global research agenda for personalized telehealth within chronic disease management…


J Med Internet Res 2016;18(3):e53