LOVOT has arrived

LOVOT – a new social robot from Groove X in Japan has arrived to Aalborg University.

The LOVOTs are named Anne and Lars and will be tested for the first time outside Japan in interaction with citizens with dementia this spring in collaboration with Aalborg, Viborg and Skive Municipalities.

The LOVOTs are designed to create joy, has memory (AI), remember people, recognizes own name and has unique personalities that develops over time.

The National Health Authorities in Denmark are funding the project.

New PHD study focusing on critical IoT application in the Future Patient project

The scope of the Ph.D. project covers the evaluation of the use of Low Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN) technologies for the mission-critical Internet of Things (IoT) applications (Remote healthcare, traffic safety & control, smart grid automation, etc.). Unlike in the case of massive IoT applications, Critical IoT applications have more strict requirements for network performance such as higher level of security, high resiliency, low latency, scalability, and interoperability with existing communication systems.

The goal of the project is to do a thorough investigation of all the available communication technologies from an end to end perspective. The idea here is to identify which of the technology or combination of technologies that are cable of supporting all the needs of critical IoT applications.

The project also involves investigation the current infrastructure and either suggesting changes to it or proposing a new network architecture that is cable of transferring critical data more reliably and securely through the network. This part of the project involves working closely with other universities in Denmark and Japan, and Industrial partners to implement and test some of the upcoming wireless technologies for critical IoT application.

To begin with, the project includes collaboration with the Department of Health Science and Technology at Aalborg University on Future patient project. The project will primarily focus on real-time monitoring of patient’s data using the IoT technologies.

Bevilling fra Hjerteforeningen til telerehabilitering af patienter efter TAVI operation

Laboratoriet for Velfærdsteknologi – Telesundhed & Telerehabilitering på Aalborg Universitet har i samarbejde med Hjerte-Lungekirurgisk afdeling samt Kardiologisk afdeling, Aalborg Universitetshospital modtaget bevilling fra Hjerteforeningen til studiet “Future Patient – telerehabilitation af patienter efter en TAVI operation”.

Barbara Brocki, som er fysioterapeut, PhD vil lede projektet, som en del af et postdoc studie. Vi ser frem til samarbejdet.

Læs om bevillingen på fysio.dk.

Ny bevilling til fortsættelse af Future Patient

Vi har netop fået en bevilling på 5 mio kroner til fortsættelse af Future Patient – telerehabilitering af hjertesvigtspatienter. Vi skal dels arbejde på at forberede en implementering af projektet dels tilpasse Hjerteportalen.dk til rehabilitering af atrieflimren-patienter.

Vi glæder os til de næste trin i processen, og vil gerne takke Aage og Johanne Louis Hansens Fond for støtten.

Investigating feasibility of using a telerehabilitation program for patients after knee surgery

Now we are conducting the last step of the project by recruiting patient at the Hospital prior to the knee operation. The patients are receiving the telerehabilitation equipment and are being monitored by project health professionals. Each patient is following 8-week post-operative telerehabilitation program using the given equipment and the health professional are monitoring and communicating with patient remotely.

We have recruited the first patient last week and looking forward to recruiting the remaining 15 patients for this study.

Studerende skriver speciale hos Google i Californien

Camilla Melholt, som er MEDIS studerende, skriver speciale i samarbejde med Google i Silicon Valley i Californien.

Den 10-11. april var Birthe Dinesen og Camilla hos Google. Birthe holdt Tech Talk og Camilla stod for en intern workshop med medarbejdere hos Google.

Herudover besøgte Birthe og Camilla UC Berkeley og UD Davis Hospital i Sacramento for at afholde interviews og planlægge PhD kursus inden for TTRN.