TTRN PhD course: Research Methods in Personalized Health Informatics

The Transatlantic Telehealth Research Network (TTRN) is having the 2nd PhD course at UC Davis and UC Berkeley this week in California.

The PhD course is called “Research Methods in Personalized Health Informatics”.

The program focus on the current and next generation of technologies, research design methodologies, health communities and models of digital health care, taught by interdisciplinary faculty from policy to engineering.

There are faculty and PhD students from UC Davis, Betty Irene Moore Nursing School, UC Berkeley, Aalborg University, Southern Danish University, CIMT Odense University Hospital, Danish Technical University and Aalborg University Hospital. In 2019 the TTRN PhD course take place at CIMT, Odense University Hospital in Denmark.

Animated Health, 26. sep. i Viborg

Nyeste viden om ANIMATION, VIRTUAL REALITY og AUGMENTED REALITY inden for sundhedsområdet i Danmark.
Lyder det som noget for dig?
Så book din plads på årets Animated Health den 26. september i Viborg.

Der er begrænsede pladser, så skynd dig ind på for yderligere info.

Videnskabsmødet 2018

29 juni 2018 – se

Et folkemøde om videnskab og teknologi i Aalborg

DR og Aalborg Universitet inviterer alle til at komme helt tæt på forskere, formidlere og videnskabsfolk, mens vi sender live til hele Danmark. Kom og mød Peter Lund Madsen, Anders Morgenthaler og flere kendte værter fra P1-programmerne Tændt, Digitalt og Recept.

DR sender live fra kl. 10.00 så kom i god tid!
Deltagelse er gratis og kræver ingen tilmelding.

12.05–12.45 deltager Birthe Dinesen i P1 RECEPT TALK:
Kan overvågning løse vores livsstilsproblemer?
Maja Hald (Recept), Birthe Dinesen (AAU) og Niels Ejskjær (AAU)

DR P1 Recept podcast:
“Vi burde spise sundt og dyrke motion – derfor handler vi mod bedre vidende”

Du kan også prøve virtual reality, lære om kodning med DR’s store satsning ultra:bit, se selvkørende biler, se kemishow og opleve hvordan fremtidens brændstof bliver til.

Visiting professor from Japan to learn about Danish telehealth projects

Dr Tomoko Kamei from St. Luke International University i Tokyo in Japan is visiting Laboratory for Welfare Technologies – Telehealth & Telerehabilitation at SMI for two weeks to learn about telehealth.

At the picture Dr Kamei is visiting the Rehabilitation Center in Aalborg Municiplity and trying VR technology.

Investigating feasibility of using a telerehabilitation program for patients after knee surgery

Now we are conducting the last step of the project by recruiting patient at the Hospital prior to the knee operation. The patients are receiving the telerehabilitation equipment and are being monitored by project health professionals. Each patient is following 8-week post-operative telerehabilitation program using the given equipment and the health professional are monitoring and communicating with patient remotely.

We have recruited the first patient last week and looking forward to recruiting the remaining 15 patients for this study.

Studerende skriver speciale hos Google i Californien

Camilla Melholt, som er MEDIS studerende, skriver speciale i samarbejde med Google i Silicon Valley i Californien.

Den 10-11. april var Birthe Dinesen og Camilla hos Google. Birthe holdt Tech Talk og Camilla stod for en intern workshop med medarbejdere hos Google.

Herudover besøgte Birthe og Camilla UC Berkeley og UD Davis Hospital i Sacramento for at afholde interviews og planlægge PhD kursus inden for TTRN.

Call PhD/Graduate fellowship program

PhD/Graduate fellowship program on “Research Methods in Personalized Health Informatics”,
August 13th – 17th,
University of California, Davis.

The Transatlantic Telehealth Research Network (TTRN) is hosting this course where researcher with an interdisciplinary background from Denmark and the USA will be teaching at the course.

Further information in PDF